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Competing with Age: How CBD Could Help Maintain Athletic Performance

Written By Adrian Crawford Oct 25th 2024
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Numerous reports stress the importance of physical activity for stalling and potentially preventing some of the most impactful aspects of aging. Far fewer highlight the inevitable effects of aging on athletic performance. While it's widely accepted that strength, endurance, and strategic abilities begin to decline by the early to mid-thirties, you'll find numerous examples of professional athletes defying the odds for decades by prioritizing strength training, flexibility, and athletic recovery. 

With minimal effort, you'll also find a considerable number of professional athletes advocating for hemp-derived CBD – products they use regularly to support multiple aspects of overall health and well-being. Although many of the articles featured in magazines and online publications detail the experiences of athletes at the top of their game, the cannabinoid could be beneficial for nearly anyone concerned about maintaining a competitive edge as they age. 

Topic Overview: How Aging Impacts Athletic Performance  

The physiological changes associated with aging are an inevitable part of life governed by numerous processes that interact and overlap. Some theorists believe age-related changes are determined by genes that activate or deactivate over time; others believe natural biochemical reactions that damage DNA are to blame. Since researchers have proposed more than 300 competing theories to explain why we age, it's clear that the mechanisms involved are not entirely understood.1

The research leading to the formation of the many theories of aging has, however, expanded our collective understanding of how metabolic function, cardiovascular efficiency, and other age-related changes impact muscle mass, endurance, and post-workout recovery. Although many elite athletes are using that knowledge to stay competitive well into their 60s (and beyond),2 the risk of being sidelined by the following age-related challenges increases over time.   

Pain and Inflammation  

Pain and inflammation that lingers for several days after a challenging workout is caused by an immune system response that helps clear cellular debris and repair microscopic damage to muscle fibers. For younger athletes, delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) resolves within 72 hours. As metabolism, immune system function, and muscular repair processes slow with age, recovery efficiency declines.3

Diminishing Flexibility 

Elastin and collagen production – substances that give skin and connective tissues flexibility and strength – decline with age. As the amount of synovial fluid that keeps joints lubricated also decreases, the cartilage that cushions those joints becomes thinner and less resilient. The impact of those age-related changes can compromise overall athletic performance while also increasing the risk of injury.4

Mental & Motivational Hurdles  

As athletes age, their goals often shift from setting and achieving personal goals and preparing for competition to maintaining health, strength, and mobility– priorities that diminish the importance of rigorous training schedules. Although physical activity is essential at every age, many athletes find the inevitable decline in physical strength, endurance, and flexibility discouraging and demotivating.  

Mechanisms of Action: How CBD Helps Support Athletic Performance 

CBD is the most abundant of more than 113 cannabinoids in hemp flower extract. Based on decades of study, the active plant element is known to interact with at least 65 molecular targets in the human body –  including the serotonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), dopamine, and endocannabinoid system (ECS) receptors.5

Your endocannabinoid system has three main components: the ECS messengers (endocannabinoids), the ECS receptors (CB1 and CB2), and the metabolic enzymes that break down the ECS messengers once they've fulfilled their purpose. Since ECS signaling is involved in everything from sleep cycle regulation and muscle movement to the perception of pleasure and pain,6 experts believe supporting ECS function with CBD helps support the following aspects of athletic performance by promoting homeostasis.7

Supporting Post-Workout Recovery  

A report published in a 2020 edition of Sports Medicine – Open credits CBD with multiple biochemical and physiological effects identified as potentially beneficial for athletic recovery.8 A similar review published in 2021 also details "promising" evidence suggesting benefits for recovery efficiency, "sport-related fatigue," and several factors indicating possible benefits relevant to repetitive motion.9

Improving Sleep  

During the first phase of deep sleep, your pituitary gland releases a burst of hormones that stimulate tissue growth, enhance muscle repair, and boost immune system function.10 Stress, discomfort after physical activity, and advancing age can cause changes in sleep quality and duration. In a 2021 clinical trial, researchers credited CBD's "calming effect" for the sleep score improvements of 103 participants.11  

Promoting Mental Clarity  

Maintaining focus and concentration requires memory recall, executive function, and the ability to filter distractions – processes potentially compromised by physical, mental, and emotional stress. Aging can also slow those processes over time. Following the fourth week of a 12-week CBD study, participants demonstrated "significantly improved" indicators in multiple assessments related to mental clarity.12   

Purchasing Guidelines: Choosing the Best Products for Your Fitness Routine 

Researchers have been exploring CBD's possible benefits for physical, mental, and emotional well-being since the 1940s. But not all commercial CBD products are the same. Whether you prefer shopping locally or the convenience of ordering online, it's essential to know that product purity, potency, and overall quality can vary from one brand to the next. The best CBD products are made with 100% clean ingredients, third-party batch tested and backed by a certificate of analysis. 

When you can't find a certificate of analysis (COA) to confirm you're getting products tested for heavy metals, pesticides, extraction residue, and bacteria when visiting a brand website, choose a different company. Only about 13% of CBD brands labeling their products as third-party tested batch test at least 90% of the following product types favored by adults of all ages and fitness levels.13

CBD Oil Tinctures  

High-quality CBD oil tinctures are made with a blend of hemp flower extract and a carrier oil. The oil helps enhance cannabinoid bioavailability. They can be added to snacks and drinks or your favorite recipes, or you can hold a serving under your tongue for 45-60 seconds then swallow.   

CBD Topicals  

CBD topicals are applied to the surface of your skin to deliver targeted relief. Some are made with ingredients selected to help ease discomfort after physical activity; others are better suited for soothing irritation and preventing moisture loss. For best results, apply your topical liberally to clean, dry skin. 

CBD Gummies & Softgels   

CBD gummies and softgels could be the best fit for nearly any active lifestyle. Gummies deliver a precise amount of CBD in a fun, flavorful form. Softgels are an equally portable, sugar-free option that gives you an essentially flavorless way to enjoy the health and wellness potential of hemp-derived products. 

Daily Integration: Optimizing Your Results Through Personalization  

Hemp-derived CBD is non-habit forming, generally well-tolerated, and safe for most adults. Side effects, however, are possible. Some CBD users report fatigue, dry mouth, digestive upset, or changes in appetite.14 Most often, those symptoms resolve with smaller serving sizes. As a first-time CBD user, you can minimize your risk by disregarding the serving size suggestions printed on product labels and starting with a lesser amount – maybe a partial dropper of a CBD oil tincture or just half of a gummy. 

If you don't achieve the results you're hoping for with that first serving, increase the amount of CBD you're using gradually in small increments. But keep in mind that it can take time for your system to adapt and respond. Since everyone is different, starting low and slow is the best way to determine the smallest amount of CBD you need for optimal results. Some athletes and fitness enthusiasts are impressed with the results of once-daily use; others prefer a more personalized approach – they integrate CBD into their routines at multiple points throughout the day, as illustrated by the following examples.   

Beginning Your Day with CBD  

The easiest way to stay consistent is to begin your day with CBD. If you're in the habit of taking supplements, consider adding CBD softgels into your regimen. If supplements aren't typically part of your morning, try stirring a serving of a CBD oil tincture into your morning coffee or a protein drink. 

Keeping the Effects Going Mid-Day   

Most athletes can expect the effects of their morning CBD to last 6-8 hours. When you want to keep that level of support going strong, try adding a second serving mid-day with something portable like CBD gummies or applying a CBD topical before, during, or after your workout for targeted relief. 

Working CBD Into Your Nightly Routine   

If stress or discomfort after physical activity keeps you from getting the sleep you need to wake up feeling refreshed, consider incorporating a CBD oil tincture into your nightly routine and/or reapplying your topical. Since the CBD in topicals doesn't absorb into your bloodstream, they can be used as needed. 

Discover How CBD Could Help Support Your Athletic Performance & Training Goals   

According to a 2019 CBDistillery® survey of 1,900 customers, most CBD users report positive results using our hemp-derived CBD oil tinctures, topicals, softgels, and gummies for relaxation, better sleep, mild or temporary anxiety, and pain, stiffness, and inflammation after physical activity. That anecdotal evidence is backed by decades of study – including multiple reports suggesting an impressive range of possible benefits related to various aspects of athletic performance and recovery.15

If you're leaning towards trying CBD but not quite sure where to start, visit CBDistillery® to take our 3-minute CBD Product Quiz or schedule a personal consultation. Our products are rigorously tested, quality assured, backed by a 60-day satisfaction guarantee, and every product label has a QR code linked to a downloadable certificate of analysis. 

If you have health concerns, consult your physician. CBD can interact with several over-the-counter treatments and prescription medications and is not advisable for people with certain conditions. Most of our survey respondents report achieving their best results within 7-14 days of consistent use.   


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